Sales KPI

Track sales data, deal statuses, forecasted revenue, and more.

Sales KPI Dashboard - Smart Dashboard

This sales KPI dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of a company’s key metrics. With this information, leaders can answer the following questions:

  • Firstly, how many deals are won and lost?
  • Secondly, what are their amounts?
  • Thirdly, how much is our average sale, and how long does it take to close a deal?
  • Finally, has our performance improved over time?

Review Crucial Sales Metrics

With the card widgets at the top right corner of the dashboard, viewers can easily see the the number of won and lost deals, their amounts, the average deal amount, and the average number of days needed to close a sale.

The Deal Status doughnut chart allows leaders to see how many sales have been won and lost, along with how many are in the pipeline.

Also, the Deals Summary grid displays key details for each won, lost, and open deal.

Track Trends Over Time

This sales performance dashboard contains several widgets that can help leaders track trends that may occur over time. For example, the three line charts on the left side of the dashboard illustrate the number of deals won and lost, sales revenue, and the number of closed and in-progress deals for each month. This data can help viewers identify seasonal trends and track the team’s progress over time.

Finally, the revenue forecast line chart projects what the team’s next three months may look like (based on previous months’ revenue). This data could help leaders develop targeted sales strategies to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.


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Sales Dashboard Examples

Sales Performance Dashboard

Smart Dashboard’s sales performance dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of key data sets.

Northwind Products and Suppliers Dashboard

This sales dashboard lists orders placed with the fictitious supply company Northwind Traders. 

Northwind Products and Suppliers Dashboard
This sales analysis dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of a company’s sale.
Ticket Sales Analysis Dashboard
This ticket sales analysis dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of key data sets.
Financial Analysis Dashboard
This financial analysis dashboard provides a helpful overview of a company’s key financial metrics.
Revenue Analysis Dashboard

This Infusionsoft dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of a company’s recent orders. 

Salesforce Opportunity Dashboard

This Salesforce opportunity dashboard provides an overview of a company’s sales outlook.

Sales Activity Tracker Dashboard

This sales activity tracker dashboard displays key data sets relating to ticket sales. 

Sales Manager Summary Dashboard

This sales manager summary dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of a company’s revenue details, leads, and sales pipeline. With this dashboard…

Sales Leads Tracking Dashboard

This sales leads tracking dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of a company’s lead and account details. With this dashboard…

Sales Opportunities Dashboard

This sales opportunities dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of a company’s opportunities and revenue. With this dashboard…

Sales Activities Dashboard

This sales activities tracker dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of a sales team’s work. With this dashboard, we can answer…

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