Retail Stores Performance Analysis

Track retail metrics—AUR, ABV, ABS, a revenue table, and more

Smart Dashboard - Retail Store Performance Dashboard

This retail store performance dashboard provides a complete overview of sales happening in brick-and-mortar stores located in different counties of New York state in the USA. With the retail store performance metrics present in this dashboard, we can answer the following questions:

  • Which product category yields more profit despite ranking low in net sales?
  • What is the proportion of buyers over visitors in a store?
  • In the last seven days, which day had more average basket value?

Please note the “Sales Date” widget located at the top, where you can select a date range and look into the KPIs related to that selected period. By default, it will show the last 30 days. Also, you can click any of the counties in the New York state map in “Sales volume by Stores” or click a specific store in the “Revenue Table” to get the metrics of stores located in the selected county or a specific store. All the insights from this dashboard are crucial for retail store managers as they monitor their stores’ performance over the time.


Basket metrics

To track the improvements due to up-selling and cross-selling, basket metrics average basket wize (ABS), average basket value (ABV), and average unit in retail (ABR) play an important role. Having a low dollar per transaction could provide insight that you need to rethink the pricing strategy. Also, this knowledge helps managers make decisions related to bundles and new offers to make shoppers spend more.


Revenue monitoring

Net sales is an important metric for assessing the performance of a store. You can get summarized details about the net sales of all the stores in a county or particularly for a single store. 

Sort any of the columns in the revenue table to know how the stores rank accordingly. The store with highest gross profit margin indicates a store that is financially healthy. The revenue table lets you know the spends in discounts and COGS by store.

Overall sales head can share “Views” to specific store manager which have selected county and specific store and allow him to make better decisions about increasing revenue in the future

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